Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 720 244 - Fateful Night (Part 8)

"...I better leave too... You have somewhere to be, don\'t you...?"

The faceless god turned a bit towards the black-haired boy and its thoughts resounding in his brain sounded as if it didn\'t want to leave his side at all.

Still, as the boy blinked, Guide disappeared without a trace and the ozone smell dissipated from the area.



As that happened, the boy\'s legs buckled in and he slumped down to the ground causing the green dragon to cry horribly worried.

"I\'m... I\'m fine, sweetie... I need to go help my friend.. do you mind taking me there...?"

As Kaaraal lowered her head the black-haired boy leaned against it and asked while sharing the directions via the connection of the law of Leo.


Traveling through the sky was far faster than running even with the black-haired boy\'s spiritual-power-enhanced physique.

Thanks to that Kaaraal got him back to Kierul\'s estate within minutes, but...


The flames were visible from afar – the house, small stable, and even the wall crumbled down because of the fire.

"...Kierul...? KIERUL!"

The black-haired boy was too stunned to speak at first, but as the green dragon descended and landed right in front of the raging flames waling off the structures he dropped down her back and howled with a face paler than a ghost.


While already using his augmented senses to locate the whereabouts of the red-haired girl, the black-haired boy sent out his astral projection so search through the flames.

Still, that only confirmed what his hearing picked up on... the sizzling of the charred corpses left in the main building...

All of them were already burnt beyond the point of recognition and...


The boy dropped to his knees with tears streaming down his face.

" idiot... Why did I listen to you...?"


He cried powerlessly and Kaaraal who didn\'t even know Kierul but was worried about him sniffled.


"Oh, wow. You think that I\'m dead and THAT\'S how you lament over it? At least curse at my enemies and pledge to take bloody revenge for their crimes!"

All of a sudden something moved and dropped down one of the trees just outside the burning walls and an annoyed red-haired girl wearing a ruffled pajama shook her head and scoffed.


The black-haired boy gasped wide-eyed and jump right up at his feet.

"You know how annoying it is that you immediately assumed that I died? You were the one to tutor me in magic and self-defense and you still thought that I wouldn\'t be able to defend myself."

Kierul shook her head, fuming in disbelief before activating her enchantments – as she did thin red lines spread alongside her skin and only a few seconds later their color turned from red to orange.

"I\'ll have you know that I not only MURDERED THE SHIT out of that pest Urtervia but I also ANNIHILATED the so-called capable magicians he brought with him. You can now start showering me in praise and adoration."

The red-haired girl puffed out her chest and boasted, raising her head so high that her nose was basically pointed straight into the sky...

"You absolute idiot, why would you make me worry about you so much?! If you are alive show yourself from the start!"

"Hey, who do you think you are talking...!"

The black-haired boy shouted in anger to which the red-haired girl blushed from agitation – but then her words got stuck in her throat as her attendant suddenly approached and hugged her.

"I hate you. I am definitely going to make fun of you in front of the young lord Victureo...!"

The black-haired boy complained while burrowing his head between Kierul\'s neck and collarbone.

"...g-geez... you don\'t have to act like that... you got in trouble too, I see? But you seem to also adopt a dragon. If you are its papa then I am its godmother, right?"

Kierul got so embarrassed she released her enchantments and changed the subject, averting her eyes from her attendant and turning towards the suddenly timid green dragon.

"...papa, what\'s a godmother...?"

Kaaraal got even more timid and confused because Kierul was the first human beside her papa to not freak out at the sight of her, so she unintentionally went along with whatever the red-haired girl was saying.

"I will explain it to you later, sweetie. First, we need to figure out what should we do next, so be a good girl and behave, okay?"


The black-haired boy breathed out and stepped away from the embarrassed Kierul turning towards the green dragon.

"Ah! So she\'s a girl dragon! She is so cute, Aku!"

The red-haired girl cleared her throat and smiled still trying to act as if she wasn\'t moved by her attendant\'s actions.

"Oh. About that..."


Hearing her say that, the black-haired boy flinched and started rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, causing Kierul to raise her brow.

"You know how I lost my memories? Well, I remembered only one thing... My name doesn\'t seem to actually be Aku... It looks like I actually am Zoemi. You know... the Zoemi."


Zoemi revealed and Kierul tensed up, clenching her fists without even realizing it.

"I-is that so...? Wh-what exactly does that change...?"

All of a sudden her embarrassment was gone and she was trembling on the verge of tears.

"Oh, it changes a lot."

" it does... of course it does..."

Zoemi tilted his head and sighed which made Kierul lower her head to hide her expression...

"Yes. I mean, with that I can actually get close to young lady Miriette and get her to support you for the position of the next head of the Helterose family! Isn\'t that just perfect?! We can go with our original plan!"


The black-haired boy boasted with excitement to which Kierul suddenly straightened her back and looked at him with utterly shocked, tearful eyes.

" you will not leave me...?"

"HUH?! Why would I?!"

She asked in a trembling voice which made Zoemi take a step back in shock.


Seeing his reaction to her reaction made Kierul snort.

She shook her head and turned around, showing Zoemi her back.

"You know what, Aku... no... You know what, Zoemi? We are changing our plans after all."

Kierul breathed out and started swaying from side to side as her mood improved immensely.


Zoemi furrowed his brows and asked prolonging the word hoping that he will catch on to the hints but ending up with nothing.

"Oh. Just because of a little thing. Right after I burnt off Urtervia\'s arms and legs but just before I gutted him out I learned that our father supported him behind the scenes and was the one to introduce him to the unsavory people that ended up joining tonight\'s attack."

Kierul stopped swaying and explained lightheartedly.

"A father like that... don\'t you think that as a good daughter, I should remove him to prevent him from staining the family honor even further? I mean, who would he end up supporting next now after the beloved fruit of his loins is gone? My third cousin? The fifth one? Or maybe even my eldest sister? Disgrace upon disgrace upon disgrace upon a pile of shit that dares to call itself aristocracy. No. This has to stop."

The red-haired girl nodded her head a few times before looking over her shoulder and showing her attendant the most beautiful smile he had ever seen her make.

"Let\'s weed out the trash out of my Helterose family before I take my rightful place as its head~"

She hummed as the blazing flames reflected in her playful eyes.

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