The Golden Throne

Chapter 13 - A City Underwater

Liu Feng descended into the darkness again.

"I think I should get used to dying. It\'s happening a lot lately.", Liu Feng joked with himself. He could feel a pull again and after a bright light, he saw himself back on the beach. This time, the pain kicked in. Liu Feng could feel a soul wrenching pain in his abdomen. He took a look, and saw two scars where the shark scratched him twice. That was when he realized,

"The shark is also a soul. That was why it\'s the only fish that can see me. But why does it constantly kill me. What should I do to evade it? I can\'t possibly fight, right? What if I prepared something against it. Is there anything here that I can use?"

Liu Feng looked around on the beach. But all he could see was sand, going on forever. He then resolved to himself, "I will do whatever it takes, no matter how much time it takes. I can\'t die again."

He kept walking on and on, not caring about how much time passed.

Two weeks later,

Liu Feng was in tatters. He was rambling now, and exhausted. He longed for company, and he was unable to leave the beach. Everytime he tried to go to the ocean, the shark killed him, and everytime he tried to leave the beach to go back, an invisible barrier blocked him. It was as if he was locked here forever. He started breaking down.

"I shouldn\'t have done this at all. I should have been content with what I have. You and your stupid ideas, why did you have to listen to that ghost.", Liu Feng thought to himself. He went to his temporary shelter that he made with twigs and leaves for some shade. But it was absolutely unnecessary. Absolutely nothing happened here.

He looked at the horizon and tears unconsciously streamed down his face. As if he was convinced that it was his fate to die, he went back to the ocean. He saw the shark swimming towards him again, But then it struck him, "What if I can lure him outside the ocean?"

Liu Feng swam close to the beach, and when the shark came towards him, he moved slowly towards the beach. When he could finally reach his height at sea level, he waited for the shark to approach him. The shark was oblivious of Liu Feng\'s position, and darted towards him. But then, Liu Feng used the ground to jump on the shark. The shark was surprised, and it went faster, only to land on the beach. Without any air to breathe, the shark was struggling, thrashing left and right.

Liu Feng laughed. He finally got revenge for all the times he had died. He went back into the ocean, because this was the only time he could go deep in again. He swam for about an hour when he saw a few broken pillars. He slowly swam in that direction when he came across a huge underwater city.

"This is suspiciously like Atlantis in the childrens books. Maybe there was some overlap between this world and Earth for a long time.", Liu Feng thought to himself.

He entered the city, disregarding any caution for his life. By now, he lost almost all fear of losing his life, and he developed a large resistance to pain, dying multiple times and all. When he entered, suddenly the empty streets came to life. All of them were spirits with blue eyes and hair, water spirits, Liu Feng assumed.

Then, an armed spirit walked upto Liu Feng and told him to follow him. Liu Feng complied, but he was wary.. After all he had gone through, he had thoroughly lost all his trust on the spirits.

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