Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 548 - Inheritance

Chapter 548: Inheritance

Translator: imperfectluck Editor: Kurisu

“You’ve prepared more than ten Concepts? That sounds so ridiculously exaggerated. Just how many Concepts have you actually prepared?”

“Ha, this is the most foundational secret of any Myth- or SemiGod-ranked individual. Did you really think that I would tell you...? Fine, I admit it, even I don’t know the exact number.”

Since my two female companions kept looking at me with expressions of “I can see through you” and “Just keep making stuff up”, I was unable to handle it and told them the truth.

“For everyone else, the most critical step is to find their personal Concept that they can use to power themselves up. However, I’ve already accumulated more than ten Concepts I can use due to my personal experience over my previous four lives. My troubles are different from everyone else. I don’t know which of my personal Concepts are worthy of being used, nor do I know which of my Concepts can successfully be powered up. Finally, I have no idea what limit my physical body can handle.”

Indeed, since there was no prior example in history of someone like me, and I had indeed accumulated many Concepts, I had no clue just how many Concepts I would be able to upgrade to Myth rank together with me, nor did I know what limits I had.

Since Myth rank was a path that plenty of others had taken before me, there naturally were rules to be followed. Based on the typical path, each species would have different preferences and limits.

Upgrading oneself from Myth to SemiGod rank would be like sending cargo across the sea. When you left the shore, it would be the equivalent of taking all your accumulated experiences with you. When you arrived on the other shore across the sea, the value of your experiences would increase a hundredfold.

Your physical body and bloodline would be the only ship available to take you to the other side. The power of your bloodline would be the equivalent of the ship’s quality and loading capacity. If you loaded too little on the ship, you would gain much less, or maybe even lose more than what you started with. If you loaded too much on the ship, the ship would sink, and you would simply perish.

As I mentioned before, this world was completely unfair. Not only did your species and bloodline determine your starting point, they would also determine your finish point. In this shipping game analogy of mine, every species’ ship would be completely different.

Demons used slaughtering and devouring to obtain evolution. Their physical bodies were eternally evolving. Their so-called bottlenecks in reaching the next power level would only be due to not killing or eating enough. Using the humans’ power level system to rank them would be completely meaningless.

Dragons and Titans would never see their ships sink. Their inherent bloodlines not only bestowed them with powerful natural talent abilities, but also allowed them to swiftly power up without limits. In front of the most ancient dragons, ordinary SemiGod humans would be nothing more than a joke.

Elves had many different species. Wild Elves had Copper Bloodlines, while Gold Elves had Gold Bloodlines, so they varied greatly in power level. However, since all elves were still the same base species in the end, their overall similarities would still be more than their differences.

Elves had astonishingly powerful souls and magical potential. However, their physical bodies were typically much weaker. Superior Elves would typically choose two to three Concepts upon reaching Myth rank. Ordinary elves would also be able to choose one or two Concepts. As for their royalty, the Gold Elves... I didn’t know how many Concepts they could use for themselves, as Harloys was no longer a typical example. But, I suspected that the Gold Elves would have been more similar to dragons and Titans, with no upper limit, rather than being like other elves. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been a Gold Bloodline species.

“According to this logic, if Harloys can break through the Three Heavy Doors of Myth Rank and reach SemiGod, she should be far stronger than any ordinary new SemiGod. Sigh, in the end, humans are the most pitiful species. Humans lack natural talent and have such short lives.”

Humans had one of the shortest average lifespans among all the powerful species in Eich. Only an incredible few and fortunate individuals would be able to find their personal Concept and reach Myth rank before they died of natural or other causes. Also, humans had weak physical bodies that typically limited them to carrying only one personal Concept. Almost everyone who dared to even attempt gaining two Concepts had ended up dying... This was also why human SemiGod individuals were typically considered far weaker than other species’ SemiGods.

Both Adam and Margaret possessed multiple Concepts, you say? Well, this was actually a path that others had taken before them. This was due to another important method—inheritances!

“Since I have an opportunity to make a wish, I’ll choose to wish for more wishes with my wish. Since my human physical body is unable to handle more than one Concept, then I’ll use my first Concept to change the physical attributes of my human body. Or, why not change my body to become something other than human? Won’t I be able to possess multiple Concepts that way? I can even use this method to obtain a longer life so that I can achieve even more.”

It was now unknown and lost to history which insane human Myth-ranked predecessor had come up with such a fantastical idea.

Evidently, this method was a miracle that wouldn’t be easy to achieve at all. Transforming one’s own physical body would require a tremendous price. Not only that—failure would equal certain death. But, as long as you accumulated enough beforehand and had a stable transformation planned, this was a known path one could take powering up even further than regular limitations allowed for.

“Compared to other species, perhaps humans are indeed weaker, with shorter lives and lacking in talent. However, humans are skilled at learning from previous experiences. Maybe humans don’t have long lives, but humans will record their knowledge and experience for future generations’ benefit. Perhaps, despite the fact that we humans have limited lives and talent, making it difficult for humans to reach the peak, our species will constantly progress and finally evolve to reach the top.”

The path that people had taken before us was our inheritance.

Adam’s inheritance of the phoenix where he obtained the Phoenix Bloodline and the heart of the phoenix had been gradually completed as we adventured together. It took much hard work to gather all the resources required. Being able to succeed on the first and only try also required a lot of luck.

And since the resource required was something as high-quality as the heart of a phoenix, not to mention this powerful inheritance was especially hand-picked for Adam, his path after achieving SemiGod was nothing but smooth sailing. In fact, some even considered him to now be the strongest human alive.

It could be said that Adam Han was the creator of the path of the phoenix’s inheritance.

Margaret’s transformation of her body into the undying was actually a byproduct of the scholars’ research into the Philosopher’s Stone. This undying path of inheritance was well-developed already, and anyone could purchase it from the Mage Country if they paid a sufficiently high price. However, the most important resource required for transforming one’s body into the undying with this inheritance was the Philosopher’s Stone, and you would have to figure out how to obtain that by yourself.

And to be honest, having an undying body wasn’t even considered a high-level inheritance. This would be quite limited as an upgrade to one’s mana potential. Although having a physical body that would never age was quite popular with women, using an opportunity like achieving SemiGod rank which was truly once-in-a-lifetime on something like an undying body was even a bit of a waste... But, actually, Margaret didn’t even need such an inheritance to improve her power level. She believed that she could obtain everything on her own.

For her first Concept, she chose a core Concept that could help her to receive her inheritance, transforming her physical human body so that she could surpass human limits. Then, she chose a “weapon” for her second Concept, improving her combat strength. This was all the most standard method for humans to be able to choose multiple Concepts when reaching SemiGod.

Still, being able to use an inheritance only once despite all the work put into perfecting its path would be far too much of a waste. Only obtaining a new physical body and weapon and making future people who took this path have to start cultivating from the beginning all over again would also seem too slow and meaningless.

And so, inheritances also included martial arts techniques, philosophies or ways of thinking, magical theories, and so on. In the end, inheritances naturally became family treasures that kept creating powerful individuals in each generation. There were even titles such as “Dragonslayer” which were passed down in each generation. Of course, even with the same inheritance, the actual power level of the individual in each generation would vary based on that person’s talent.

This type of situation was indeed highly helpful for helping inheritances survive and be passed down. Not only that, as family members would always have identical or near identical bloodlines and natural talents, and this also helped their inheritances’ success rate to be increased even further.

Receiving an inheritance would mean obtaining the complete accumulated experience and power of a predecessor who had at minimum reached Myth rank. Then, the individual would study and learn the predecessor’s martial arts or whatever else was included in the inheritance. It would be strange if that individual wouldn’t be able to swiftly grow in power.

These inheritances seemed rather high-class, but there were actually quite a few lower-level inheritances that could be found. However, learning about an overly complete inheritance too early would typically limit the inheritor’s imagination and potential. But, to my knowledge, the royalty in many human countries would all secretly use such inheritances.

An outstanding inheritance would naturally be a precious treasure that couldn’t be obtained easily with money. All the trouble previously in the Underground was all because of rumors that told of how the Staff of Yongye possessed the secrets of how Emperor Yongye came to be so powerful. That would be another type of inheritance.

Since I possessed the Double-Diamond Arbiter Bloodline in my current life, my physical body’s true potential wasn’t even close to being unlocked yet. This was why I had been willing to do so much all in order to obtain a powerful physical body.

I had accumulated more than sufficient resources and experience by now. My foundation was also solid. The time for needing this was near now, so it was time to try and create something miraculous.

Perhaps in the future, there would also be an inheritance called “Legend of Roland.”

My current physical body was nearly indestructible and had boundless potential. I didn’t need to find any other inheritance, since I already possessed quite a heavy inheritance in my hands.

Perhaps I could even call it one of the most powerful inheritances in this entire world.

But not only was this inheritance power, it also represented responsibility.

I caressed the ostensibly plain silver war hammer in my hand while incanting praise for the Pure Holy Light. A holy glow started enveloping the war hammer, illuminating everything like it was the middle of day despite the fact that we were in a pitch-black corridor underground.

Shadowy figures appeared all around me. They appeared to be either courageously fighting off enemies or defending their homes. These were memories contained within this war hammer. This was an inheritance for countless Holy Knights before me.

This inheritance would be unable to change the physical limits of human bodies, but it would be able to bestow the inheritor with willpower and mental spirit far surpassing those of ordinary mortals. Not a single wielder of this hammer in history had ever been a coward!

I had no reason to let this inheritance die in my hands, as it would be impossible for me to forget the history it represented...

So, I picked up my war hammer.

“...Let’s begin with the [Light of Salvation, the Guardian Battle Hammer of Dawn Envoys]!”

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